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Mailey EL, Dlugonski D, Hsu W-W, Segar M.  2018.  Goals Matter: Exercising for Well-Being But Not Health or Appearance Predicts Future Exercise Among Parents.. J Phys Act Health. 15(11):857-865.
Kline PW, Burnham J, Yonz M, Johnson D, Ireland MLloyd, Noehren B.  2018.  Hip external rotation strength predicts hop performance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 26(4):1137-1144.
Uhl TL, Smith-Forbes EV, Nitz AJ.  2017.  Factors influencing final outcomes in patients with shoulder pain: A retrospective review.. J Hand Ther. 30(2):200-207.
Williams VJ, Nagai T, Sell TC, Abt JP, Rowe RS, McGrail MA, Lephart SM.  2016.  Prediction of Dynamic Postural Stability During Single-Leg Jump Landings by Ankle and Knee Flexibility and Strength.. J Sport Rehabil. 25(3):266-72.
Harkey M, McLeod MM, Terada M, Gribble PA, Pietrosimone BG.  2016.  Quadratic Association Between Corticomotor and Spinal-Reflexive Excitability and Self-Reported Disability in Participants With Chronic Ankle Instability.. J Sport Rehabil. 25(2):137-45.
McCann RS, Kosik KB, Beard MQ, Terada M, Pietrosimone BG, Gribble PA.  2015.  Variations in Star Excursion Balance Test Performance Between High School and Collegiate Football Players.. J Strength Cond Res. 29(10):2765-70.
Terada M, Harkey MS, Wells AM, Pietrosimone BG, Gribble PA.  2014.  The influence of ankle dorsiflexion and self-reported patient outcomes on dynamic postural control in participants with chronic ankle instability.. Gait Posture. 40(1):193-7.
Winters JD, Christiansen CL, Stevens-Lapsley JE.  2014.  Preliminary investigation of rate of torque development deficits following total knee arthroplasty.. Knee. 21(2):382-6.
