Office of Research

An introduction to the services provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA).

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Office of Research

Using OnCore for tracking and managing clinical trial research.

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Office of Research

Secrets of early-career scholarly success.

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Office of Research

Basic grantsmanship: A framework for success.

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Office of Research

The state of UK's research: Resources and infrastructure.

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Office of Research

This article is the first in an ongoing series to highlight UK College of Health Sciences faculty efforts to combat the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Researchers were not immune to COVID-19’s impact as the virus forced labs to rethink and reinvent operations nationwide. UK College of Health Sciences (CHS) faculty pivoted quickly to sustain their current opportunities and joined with investigators around the world to provide solutions in their areas of expertise to fight the pandemic’s effects.

Office of Research

Roughly 1 in 7 Americans live with a disability that impacts daily mobility. The average cost of a wheelchair ranges from $500 to $2,000 without insurance, seriously curbing access to this essential equipment for patients who lack proper coverage. The UK Center of Excellence in Rural Health (CERH) in Hazard is working to bridge this gap for Kentucky patients through a project that repairs and redistributes used medical equipment to communities in need. Students watch as Dr.</body></html>

Office of Research

Research has shown African-American women have disproportionately higher rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors compared to their white counterparts. Low-income African American women are at an even higher risk for poor CVD outcomes because of social and economic barriers that make it difficult to attain a heart-healthy lifestyle. 

Office of Research

While most people use wearable devices for activity tracking, wearable tech is making its debut in health care in many creative ways. Investigators at the UK College of Health Sciences and the University of Michigan Dearborn are on the brink of impacting rehabilitative telehealth using tracking technology. 

Office of Research

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of research projects not affiliated with infectious disease research have halted. But, this doesn’t mean students are unable to engage with research. Richard Andreatta, PhD, FASHA, director of undergraduate research for the UK College of Health Sciences, shares how students can keep their science skills sharp while labs are closed.    
