Office of Research

The UK College of Health Sciences’ Office of Research & Scholarship and Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops invite you to attend “Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals: A Virtual Seminar” on Thursday, January 7th, and Friday, January 8th, from 8:30 am to 12 pm. The workshop will be presented by Lauren Broyles, PhD, RN.

Office of Research

The UK College of Health Sciences’ Office of Research & Scholarship and Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops invite you to attend “Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals: A Virtual Seminar” on Thursday, January 7th, and Friday, January 8th, from 8:30 am to 12 pm. The workshop will be presented by Lauren Broyles, PhD, RN.

Office of Research

The University of Kentucky’s College of Health Sciences Assistant Professor in the Department of Athletic Training and Clinical Nutrition, Dr. Jean Fry, PhD, RDN, received an NIH-funded diversity supplement to determine if vitamin D status is a factor in muscle quality following an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear.

Office of Research

Office of Research

Social isolation due to COVID-19 poses specific challenges to children and adults who live with hearing loss disorders.

Office of Research

Office of Research

Office of Research

The UK College of Health Sciences welcomed Tony Faiola, PhD, MFA, as the new associate dean of research and scholarship (ADR) in June. As ADR, Faiola is responsible for fostering research and scholarship productivity and aiding in the strategic direction of the college’s research mission. 

Office of Research

Kentucky Network for Innovation & Commercialization (KYNETIC).

To join, click here

Office of Research

An overview and update from the Research Priority Leaders.

To join, click here.
