Service Center & Recharge Operations

Working closely with our campus service centers and recharge operations, we provide guidance surrounding the primary requirements of appropriate rate development. We review all new requests to establish service centers and recharge operations, providing feedback on the overall business plan, the various components associated with developing appropriate rate structures, and the requirements of the billing process. We also provide on-going oversight of service center account balances and work closely with our campus partners to determine any adjustments that may be needed.

For Project Payroll Confirmation or Salary Cap information, please visit our site here:


For general Service Center inquiries, please email 

For general Payroll Confirmation inquiries, please email


Rate Calculation Template

Service Center & Recharge Operations FAQ's



Jessica MacLeod

Payroll Confirmation & Service Centers Supervisor

(859) 218-1210

Cherri Wallace

Payroll Confirmation & Service Centers Specialist

(859) 257-1747


Service Centers & Recharge Operations

Service Center & Recharge Operations Contact List

Service Centers and Recharge Operations BPM

Service Center & Recharge Operations Manual


Frequently Used Forms

Service Center Rate Calculation Template

Service Center Recovery and Forecast Template UPDATED

UK Revenue Producing Activity Questionnaire

Service Center New Cost Center Form

Recharge G/L Create New Form


Service Center Quick Reference Cards

How to determine a Service Center balance

Key Considerations in Rate Development


Service Center Presentations

Service Center Rate Sheet Training

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Service Center & Recharge Operations FAQ's