Research Financial Services


New Account Data Aug24


Location: 337 Peterson Service Building

Phone: (859) 257-3662

Fax: (859) 323-1947

Managing the research funding of a large organization such as the University of Kentucky requires coordination among many individuals, both inside and outside of the university hierarchy. Research Financial Services is an integral part of that endeavor, overseeing the financial reporting and compliance requirements of all externally sponsored projects.  Our primary goal is to facilitate the management of funds provided to the university by outside entities, in compliance with relevant guidelines, for the purpose of continuing research.

The receipt of externally sponsored funds comes with an expectation of compliance with various guidelines, rules and regulatory requirements surrounding the use of the funds. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with our campus partners and external sponsors alike as we strive to shape a culture of compliance, supporting our university research community in meeting those expectations.

Research Financial Services prepares institutional reporting information for varying external organizations beyond sponsoring agencies.  Some examples include, but are not limited to, the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) and Single Audit report; Homeland Security Grant Funding SEFA 7 report; Biomedical Research & Development Price Index (NIH) survey; and the Higher Education Research and Development Survey (HERD/NSF).  Our office also prepares and submits the Facilities and Administrate Rate calculation to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Cost Allocation Services (CAS) to establish the approved Facilities and Administrative rates allowable on sponsored projects.

Our organization is defined by specialty area to provide optimal support and expertise in the diverse areas surrounding the financial management of sponsored projects.

We thank you for taking the time to visit our website and look forward to working with you!


Research Financial Administration

Accounts Receivable

Payroll Confirmation & Sponsor Salary Cap

Service Center & Recharge Operations

Financial Compliance & Subaward Monitoring

Resources and Information



Research Financial Services    
Erin Wallett


(859) 257-3749
Paige Brown


(859) 257-1750

Darin Cecil

Assistant Director (859) 257-3193

Samantha Montgomery

Assistant Director (859) 257-4870

Tina Reynolds

Assistant Director

(859) 257-6267

Katie Riley

Compliance Specialist (859) 257-9291

Data Analysis Specialist


Misty Atchison

Data Analysis Specialist, Sr

(859) 257-1028

Travis Montgomery

Data Analysis Specialist (859) 257-9094
Research Financial Administration    
Tracy Morgan Financial Administrator Supervisor (859) 218-7008
Lois Thomas Financial Administrator III (859) 257-5421
Christy Maddox Financial Administrator III (859) 257-1683
Andrei Shliakhau Financial Administrator III (859) 257-4290
Jeremy Rogers Financial Administrator II (859) 257-5422
Kathleen Moberly Financial Administrator I (859) 562-0499
Julie West Financial Administrator I (859) 257-9017
Nathan McGinnis Financial Administrator I (859) 562-0681
Lindzie Abner Financial Administrator I (859) 257-5419
Marc McGinnis Financial Administrator I (859) 257-1748
Tracy Cayson Financial Administrator I (859) 257-5420
Accounts Receivable    
Accounts Receivable Supervisor (859) 323-0687
Ryan House Accounting Coordinator (859) 257-3662
Vacant Accounts Receivable Specialist (859) 257-7933
Payroll Confirmation & Service Centers    
Jessica MacLeod Payroll Confirmation & Service Centers Supervisor

(859) 218-1210

Cherri Wallace Payroll Confirmation Specialist (859) 257-1747

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Resources and Information

BudRule Cross Walk

DS2 Acknowledgement from DHHS-CAS

Facilities and Administrative Cost Agreement

General Ledger Accounts

Office of Sponsored Projects Administration

PI Reports Frequently Asked Questions

PI Report Example

Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

T-Code resources

Uniform Guidance

University of Kentucky's Cost Accounting Standards Board Disclosure Statement (DS2)

Sponsored Projects Financial Management - FAQs

Sponsored Project Bits & Pieces Presentations

Uniform Guidance Town Hall April 2018

Uniform Guidance Purchasing Information




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