Project Payroll Confirmation & Sponsor Salary Cap

The Project Payroll Confirmation team provides compliance oversight and tools for campus to assist with the review and verification of cost distributions for faculty and staff working on sponsored projects.



Payroll Confirmation

Payroll Confirmation FAQs

 Sponsor Salary Cap

Salary Cap FAQs


For Service Center & Recharge Operations - visit our site here:


 For general Payroll Confirmation inquiries, please email

 For general Service Center inquiries, please email 


Jessica MacLeod  

Payroll Confirmation & Service Centers Supervisor

(859) 218-1210

Cherri Wallace

Payroll Confirmation & Service Centers Specialist

(859) 257-1747


Project Payroll Confirmation

Project Payroll Confirmation utilizes the ECC (Employee Compensation Compliance) interface. This system tool enables our users and administrators to see all payroll expenditures associated with specific sponsored projects at varying increments of time. The payroll information is updated after the close of every payroll cycle and is incorporated into the reporting functionality to allow maximum benefit to our campus community. This web-based tool allows business officers, principal investigators and administrators to access information anytime, anywhere through the myUK portal.


FY 24 Project Payroll Confirmation Schedule

FY 25 Project Payroll Confirmation Schedule



Principal Investigator Resources

Top 10 things Principal Investigators Need to know about Payroll Confirmation

ecrt Users Guide-Principal Investigator

ecrt Users Guide Non-Federal Projects - Principal Investigator

ecrt Quick Start Video - Principal Investigators

ecrt Missing Person on Project Statement - Principal Investigators


Quick Reference Cards

QRC- Payroll Confirmation Roles and Rights

QRC- Primary Department Effort Coordinator Workflow 

QRC- Principal Investigator Workflow

QRC- Total Payroll for Individual on a Project Statement

QRC- Status Icons within ecrt

QRC- Cost Center Reports

QRC- Payroll Loaded to a PreReviewed Statement

QRC- Looking up Primary Department Effort Coordinator

QRC- Project Status Report

QRC- Processing Revision Requested and Missing Persons


ecrt User Guides

ecrt Users Guide - Primary Dept Effort Coordinator

ecrt Users Guide - Backup Dept Effort Coordinator



Running the Payroll Report-College Effort Coordinator

Running the Payroll Report-Primary Dept Effort Coordinator

Monitoring Reports - College Effort Coordinator


Payroll Confirmation FAQ's


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Sponsor Salary Cap

RFS provides oversight and guidance to campus users to ensure institutional compliance with rate of pay limitations on sponsored projects.  These limitations are often referred to as a "Salary Cap".  In short, a salary cap is the maximum amount or rate of compensation for salary that a sponsor will reimburse a grantee on a sponsored program.  Below are some templates and guidance to help campus users ensure they are in compliance with these restrictions.


General Salary Cap Instructions

Salary Cap Summer Salary Template

Salary Cap Template Instructions

Salary Cap Calculation Examples


General Salary Cap FAQ's

Department of Justice (DOJ) Salary Cap

FY25 DOJ Salary Cap Template

FY24 DOJ Salary Cap Template



Department of Justice (DOJ) Salary Cap FAQ's